You Were Only Waiting for this Moment to Be Free

My mother recently passed away. It was the saddest day of my life to date. I had the sweetest, kindest mother. She was what people call 'a real lady'. I am not going to wax poetic about my mother in this particular blog. I am still holding my pain close and my memories of her closer. I did want to share just a couple of things. The final days of my mother's life, my father, sister and I camped at my mother's bedside. She was comatose as this juncture, damned dementia having stolen the last bits of her from us. We spoke to her, loved her, sang and laughed for her, and of course, cried our hearts out. We each got to say good-bye. I sat next to mom trying to think of something eloquent to express, what the last 49 years of my life with her meant...I was not eloquent, but surprisingly, I was able to express what my heart felt. I will share one thing with you that I talked to her about....and it might seem ...