I Have Been Hanging Out in Barres.

I have returned to ballet class. I have missed class for the last, oh....25 years. I can assure you that 25 years ago, my center was strong, by shoulders relaxed and my turn out..spot on. I could lift my leg over my head, pull a triple pirouette and land it! Today I bobbled my balance, drug my toes and wore my shoulders like earrings. That is okay. During the first 3 minutes of class, I was swimming in self shame. I quickly did something very uncharacteristic...I let go of that shame and gave myself a mental pep talk (while doing a pilates style core exercise that about made me throw up). I told myself that I am taking the road to health, strength and mental stimulation. It all starts with the first step. There I was, in a class after a 25 years, once again taking that first step, or chasse' if you will. I grew up dancing, and I had some success with it. In college, as a student, I actually taught a college leve...