Oh God! What Next??

Oh there is just so much I want to talk about, but I cannot seem to get it together. Focusing is tough. Life has been stressful lately. There have been, what I am now calling, the "every two weeks emergency" , since it seems that every two weeks something dramatic happens. The latest was Dad going into the hospital with double pneumonia, followed by Mom talking a fall when she decided to walk herself (she cannot walk unassisted) to the back porch. I have been suffering with a bad sinus infection, and, only to add insult to injury, with a bout of the H-pylori virus also. Let's toss in the stress of working my territory to assure that the state of Georgia shows well in the numbers game at the end of the year (by the grace of God, so far so good). My most important role, as a mother, has me trying to keep my son on track in preparation for kindergarten (he is reading!). Forget about keeping the house in order, laundry done and dinner on the t...