Look in the sky Toto...

Spring has arrived in the south. It is beautiful. The trees are blooming, bulbs are pushing up, and the temperature is wonderful. Everyone is sporting their flip flops and jockeying for position on the patios and decks of local restaurants and bars. I have lived in Atlanta since 1990. In that time, there have been a handful of scary moments with the weather, specifically tornadoes. Just a few years ago, downtown was ravaged by a twister. The storm struck the 71,000-seat Georgia Dome at 9:45 p.m. during a Southeastern Conference tournament basketball game. It shattered windows and tore roofs from buildings, including CNN Center, before continuing into several residential neighborhoods. We are in-town dwellers, and that was a pretty scary storm. We were oblivious to it, in the midst of hosting a dinner party, but someone did comment that it was a little windy outside. Just down the street, literally, less than a half mile, the...