How Did I Get Here?

Here I sit, almost three months into my 47th year. When did that happen? I do not feel 47. Let me rephrase that, I do not feel like what I think 47 should feel like. I remember being much younger and thinking that the age I am now, was impossibly old. I am not impossibly old. Not yet. If nature works in my favor and I steer clear of all disasters, both natural and man made, then I hope to live to be impossibly old. In fact, I embrace it. Let's face it, growing old is better than the alternative of not getting to grow old. Right? I say this flippantly, but I have a few friends and a couple of family members who never made it to the ripe old age of 47. I seriously consider myself lucky. I think back on milestone birthdays - the obvious, 18, 21, 29, 40....and here I sit tonight, closer to 50 than 40. When I turned eighteen, I was living in Boca Raton, Florida and a senior in high school. I had been in F...